Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
An Easter special... Jelly Beans!

An Easter special... Jelly Beans!

Join us as we figure out which brand of jelly bean you should buy for your Easter basket.

Here comes Easter! And some of you may be running out to Target, Walmart, HyVee, wherever to get candy to fill Easter baskets and Easter eggs. Maybe you go for the typical chocolate bunnies, or maybe you are more of a Peeps person. Whopper’s Bird Eggs are always a classic choice as well. But if you really want to do an Easter basket right, you probably are going for some Jelly Beans. Well, let’s find out which one is the flavor and brand you should go with.

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Which Jelly Beans are we trying today?

  • Brach’s Classic Jelly Bird Eggs

  • Starburst Original Jelly Beans

  • Skittles Jellybeans

  • Sour Patch Kids Easter Jelly Beans

  • Jolly Rancher Easter Jelly Beans

Who is on this sugar quest?

  • Nate, super noddy.

  • Kris, might shit himself.

  • Matt, enjoyer of grass.

  • Amy, we are off the rails today!

And of course, our subscribers! Thanks to our small, yet coveted group. We appreciate the support. You too can join us on this food journey. All you need to do is… SUBSCRIBE!

The History of Jelly Beans

The earliest known appearance of the jelly bean was way back in 1861, in an advertisement for William Schrafft of Boston, that promoted sending jelly beans to soldiers in the Union Army during the Civil War. It is believed that William Schrafft had the idea to mould jelly into small round shapes, or beans. By the early 1900s, jelly beans were a common penny candy.

In the 1930s jelly beans became somewhat synonymous with Easter. And there really isn’t a known reason why, other than maybe their egg-like appearance. They remain one of the most common Easter candies today.

But it was actually the mid-60s when jelly beans really started to gain popularity. California Governor, Ronald Reagan, expressed his love for the candy. Reagan actually used the candy to wean himself of his nicotine habit and it is said that he had a dishes of jelly beans throughout the White House during his presidency. Jelly Belly even created a special blueberry flavor in honor of President Reagan.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

5th/4th/3rd Place (3 way tie): Brach’s Classic Jelly Bird Eggs

  • Amy - 4

  • Kris - 2

  • Matt- 4

  • Nate - 4

“Bland and indistinguishable.” - Kris

5th/4th/3rd Place (3 way tie): Starburst Original Jelly Beans

  • Amy - 3

  • Kris - 4

  • Matt - 4

  • Nate - 3

“How do these all taste like laundry detergent?!” - Amy

5th/4th/3rd Place (3 way tie): Jolly Rancher Easter Jelly Beans

  • Amy - 2

  • Kris - 4

  • Matt - 4

  • Nate - 4

“Decent experience… Fart taste.” - Kris

2nd Place: Skittles Jellybeans

  • Amy - 3

  • Kris - 5

  • Matt - 4

  • Nate - 5

“It’s a less crunchy Skittle.” - Nate

1st Place: Sour Patch Kids Easter Jelly Beans

  • Amy - 8

  • Kris - 6

  • Matt - 5

  • Nate - 6

“These are good! It has the flavor of a Sour Patch Kid and the texture of a jelly bean.” - Amy

There you have it. Sour Patch Kids Easter Jelly Beans receives the Quest for the Best seal of approval. 

Check out their website to get some to try yourself!

Thank you all for joining us on this episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Which is your favorite Jelly Bean? We would love to know your rating!

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.