Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Chocolatey Chocolatey Milk

Chocolatey Chocolatey Milk

Join us on a Quest for the Best chocolate milk.

There are few things that hit the spot like a nice cold chocolate milk. And there are few beverages that can satisfy a craving or even a need like chocolate milk can. Have a sore throat? Chocolate milk. Did you just have a long run or a long bike ride? Chocolate milk. Need something quick for breakfast? Chocolate milk. The options are endless. So join us on this Quest for the BEST chocolate milk.

Which chocolate milks are we trying today?

  • Nesquik Whole Chocolate Milk

  • HyVee Whole Chocolate Milk

  • Prairie Farms 1% Chocolate Milk

  • Fairlife 2% Ultra Filtered Chocolate Milk

  • Anderson Erickson Whole Chocolate Milk

Who is on this chocolatey quest?

  • Hannah, witness of the chunky chocolate milk catastrophe

  • Nate, ghostly husband

  • Matt, lost his damn mind

  • Amy, more chocolate, less milk

  • Randi, podcast ghost

And of course, our subscribers! Thanks to our small, yet coveted group. We appreciate the support. You too can join us on this food journey. All you need to do is… SUBSCRIBE!

The History of Chocolate Milk

The origins of chocolate milk start with Sir Hans Sloane, an Irish botanist born in 1660. At the age of 27, he became a doctor for the new Duke of Albemarle in Jamaica. During his time as a doctor here, the locals introduced him to a new drink, cocoa and water. Not being a huge fan of the taste, he switched out the water with some milk and sugar, making what he thought was quite a delicious drink. And while he was not the first person to invent chocolate milk (this happened centuries earlier), he was the person who brought it to Europe.

Upon returning to Europe, Sloane sold it for many years as a medicine. Since he was a physician, Sloane was interested in the medicinal properties of cacao. He thought that it had soothing qualities. Early ads suggested chocolate milk for “lightness on the stomach” and “all consumptive cases.”

By the 19th century, it had switched from a medicinal product to a beloved beverage. The Cadbury Brothers sold tins of Sir Hans Sloane’s Milk Chocolate. The one ounce squares were dissolved into a pint of boiling milk, and topped off with sugar.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

5th Place: Nesquik Whole Chocolate Milk

  • Amy: 2

  • Hannah: 4

  • Matt: 5

  • Nate: 2

“That’s a chalky milk.” - Matt

4th Place: HyVee Whole Chocolate Milk

  • Amy: 4

  • Hannah: 6

  • Matt: 6

  • Nate: 4

“That’s the creaminess that you are looking for.” - Nate

3rd/2nd Place (Tie): Prairie Farms 1% Chocolate Milk

  • Amy: 7

  • Hannah: 5

  • Matt: 5

  • Nate: 4

“It definitely has less body to it.” - Hannah

3rd/2nd Place (Tie): Fairlife 2% Ultra Filtered Chocolate Milk

  • Amy: 3

  • Hannah: 6

  • Matt: 5

  • Nate: 7

“This is a protein shake flavor of chocolate milk.” - Amy

1st Place: Anderson Erickson Whole Chocolate Milk

  • Amy: 8

  • Hannah: 8

  • Matt: 7

  • Nate: 5

“This is what I want in a chocolate milk.” - Matt

There you have it. Anderson Erickson Whole Chocolate Milk receives the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Check out their website to try them out for yourself.

Thank you all for joining us on this episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Have you tried all these chocolate milks? We would love to hear your rating as well.

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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And of course, remember to subscribe to hear the latest episodes. Additionally, paid subscribers will have access to monthly content where we put two restaurants head to head in a Quest for the Best battle. You definitely do not want to miss out.


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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.