Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Did someone say Eggo?

Did someone say Eggo?

A Quest for the Best mini episode!

Who doesn’t like a good waffle? Nice and warm, with maple syrup on the top. Yum. You know, I once had a waffle on the top of a mountain. That is right folks, if you go to the Grand Tetons and hike or ride the aerial tram up the mountain, you will find Corbet’s Cabin. And inside you can enjoy a delicious waffle.

As good as waffles are, the big question is, should they have been turned into a Pop Tart? Well today we will find out in this exclusive mini episode (which I think I will shorten to EME).

So thanks for joining us today. As always, let us know in the comments if there is a new food you really want us to try out.

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Who are our Questers today?

  • Nate, just along for the ride.

  • Hannah, pastry snob.

  • Matt, is moving on.

  • Amy, thoroughly confused.

A Mini History Pop Tarts

In 1963 Post Cereals adapted a process for enclosing food in foil to keep it fresh without spoiling. And with this process, they made a new toaster-prepared breakfast food. These fruit-filled pastries could be shipped and stored without having to be refrigerated. In 1964, Post unveiled this product, called Country Squares. But unfortunately, Post was slow to release the product to stores and six months later, in September of 1964, Kellogg’s swooped in, stealing the market  with a new product called Fruit Scones.  The first toaster pastries that were produced were all unfrosted. They came in four flavors. Apple Currant Jelly, Strawberry, Blueberry, and Brown Sugar-Cinnamon.  In 1967 the first frosted Pop-Tarts hit the shelves with four flavors as well. (Any guesses on the flavors?) Dutch Apple, Concord Grape, Raspberry, and Brown Sugar Cinnamon.

Today, around 2 billion Pop Tarts are sold each year in the United States. The best selling Pop Tart? Strawberry, followed by Brown Sugar Cinnamon and S’mores.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

  • Nate: “If I didn’t have a sense of smell, i’d be enjoying this a lot more.” 4/10

  • Amy: “It’s not bad. I keep eating it.” 4/10

  • Hannah: “It’s not offensive but there’s nothing good about it.” 3/10

  • Matt: “It did not taste as horrible as I thought.” 4/10

TOTAL: 15/40

There you have it. We do NOT give Eggo Pop Tarts the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Maybe you still want to give it a try? Check out their website for more information on where to find some.

Thank you for joining us on this exclusive mini episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Have you tried Eggo Pop Tarts? What were your thoughts?

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Thanks again for the support. Until next time, stay sane out there.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.