Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Episode 132: Grape Soda

Episode 132: Grape Soda

Summer is right around the corner and as the weather heats up, everyone is going to be looking for something to quench their thirst. We have tried a lot of different sodas on this podcast, and unfortunately not many really do well. Will grape soda fair any better than orange cream soda, or lemon lime sodas, root beer, or cola? Let’s find out!

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Which orange cream sodas are we trying today?

  • O-So Grape

  • Ghoulish Grape

  • Buddy’s Grape Soda

  • Grape Nehi

  • Harmony Springs Grape

  • JicJac Grape

Who is on this purple quest?

  • Kris, aka Hugs and Chugs.

  • Nate, Twilight super fan.

  • Matt, hiss hiss.

  • Amy, the only sane one.

And of course, our subscribers! Thanks to our small, yet coveted group. We appreciate the support. You too can join us on this food journey. All you need to do is… SUBSCRIBE!

The History of Grape Soda

Want to thank the creator of grape soda? Then you would need to head back to 1939 and shake the hand of Benjamin Fooks. Fooks was the creator of Grapette, which quickly turned into a best-selling beverage and remained that way until the late ‘60, when Fooks sold the name to a competitor. Eventually, Walmart would purchase the brand Grapette International and has owned it ever since.

So what exactly is in grape soda? There are some brands that actually use real grape juice in their sodas, but the majority actually use a chemical called methyl anthranilate, which is what gives the drink it’s scent and flavor. But most products we consume contain chemicals we do not know how to say or what they actually are, so what is the big deal? Well, this chemical contains petroleum, is an effective bird repellent, and is also used in some sunscreens. Tasty.

Sprecher Brewery, (a company that actually uses grape juice for the flavor) has a really good section on their website that dives into the history of the grape, grape juices, soda, and more. I have linked this in the show notes and encourage you to go read!

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

6th Place: Harmony Springs Grape

  • Amy - 2

  • Kris - 2

  • Matt - 3

  • Nate - 2

“That hurts my teeth.” - Matt

5th Place: Buddy’s Grape Soda

  • Amy - 3

  • Kris - 3

  • Matt - 3

  • Nate - 2

“It tastes strongly of cardboard.” - Amy

4th/3rd Place (Tie!): O-So Grape

  • Amy - 4

  • Kris - 4

  • Matt - 4

  • Nate - 3

“That right there is a grape tasting soda.” - Nate

3rd/4th Place (Tie): Grape Nehi

  • Amy - 3

  • Kris - 5

  • Matt - 4

  • Nate - 3

“This fades like Zebra Stripe gum.” - Kris

2nd Place: Jic Jac

  • Amy - 5

  • Kris - 6

  • Matt - 5

  • Nate - 3

“I like the little bit of zing.” -Amy

1st Place: Ghoulish Grape

  • Amy - 6

  • Kris - 6

  • Matt - 6

  • Nate - 4

“It was the bee’s knees as far as grape soda goes.” - Matt

There you have it. Ghoulish Grape receives the Quest for the Best seal of approval. 

Thank you all for joining us on this episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Which is your favorite Grape Soda? We would love to hear your rating!

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Show Notes:'d,is%20typically%20derived%20from%20petroleum.

Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.