In a world full of dipping sauces, it can be hard to decide which one you want to go with. Ketchup, ranch, honey mustard… the list goes on. But there is one sauce… yes, one sauce… that reigns supreme. One sauce that goes with anything. One sauce that has a kick that keeps you coming back for more… Yes, folks. That sauce is BBQ sauce.
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Which BBQ sauces are we trying today?
Kraft Original
Famous Dave’s Sweet and Zesty
Jethro’s BBQ
Sweet Baby Ray’s
Who is on this quest?
Nate, feeling the spirit.
Randi, sauce connoisseur.
Matt, coo coo ca choo.
Amy, fighter of the night man.
And of course, our subscribers! Thanks to our small, yet coveted group. We appreciate the support. You too can join us on this food journey. All you need to do is… SUBSCRIBE!
The History of BBQ Sauce
No history today! Let’s just start dipping!
The Results
Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!
6th Place: Chick - Fil- A BBQ Sauce
Amy - 2
Matt - 6
Nate - 3
Randi - 3
5th Place: Cookies
Amy - 4
Matt - 4
Nate - 3
Randi - 4
4th Place: Famous Dave’s Sweet and Zesty
Amy - 5
Matt - 6
Nate - 7
Randi - 6
3rd / 2nd Place (tie): Kraft Original
Amy - 8
Matt - 5
Nate - 6
Randi - 9
3rd / 2nd Place (tie): Jethro’s BBQ Sauce
Amy - 7
Matt - 7
Nate - 7
Randi - 7
1st Place: Sweet Baby Ray’s
Amy - 10
Matt - 8
Nate - 8
Randi - 9
There you have it. Sweet Baby Ray’s receives the Quest for the Best seal of approval.
Thank you all for joining us on this episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Which is your favorite BBQ? We would love to hear your rating!
Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.
And of course, remember to subscribe to hear the latest episodes. And chip in on the podcast! Whatever value you get out of this entertainment, send it back our way. We thank you for the support!
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