Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Limited Edition Episode: Lindt Truffles

Limited Edition Episode: Lindt Truffles

Join us as we try the Limited Edition Neapolitan and Blueberries & Cream Lindt Truffles.

Who doesn’t love a good chocolate truffle? And arguably, the Lindt truffles are among the best you can get. (In our local chain stores anyway… if we only had a See’s.) So when Matt and I stumbled upon these two limited edition flavors, Neapolitan and Blueberries & Cream, in our local Target, we knew we had a new quest on our hands.

Before we get started, I really hope you will share this episode, or any of our episodes on your social accounts, with your friends, your family… We are really hoping to gain some traction here. We love making this content, and would love even more if people listened to it. Ha!

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Who are our Questers today?

  • Nate, a real bully.

  • Kris, has a nipple.

  • Matt, aka Mega Matt!

  • Amy, has the chills.

History of Lindt

You can’t have Lindt without David Sprungli. David had a small confectionery in Zurich. His business and chocolates became very popular and he quickly became renown among chocolate manufacturers. In 1845, David and his son Rudolf produced the first solid bar of chocolate, and it instantly became a success. This lead to their first chocolate factory in 1847, where it is said throughout town you could smell chocolate in the air.

Meanwhile, Rodolphe Lindt started a small confectionery in 1879. Like all the other chocolatiers at the time, his chocolate was hard and bitter, but he was determined to make it better. After months of experimenting, he left the factory one Friday evening, forgetting to turn off the conching machine, which is used to perfect the texture and flavors of chocolate. Upon returning to the factory the following Monday, he found a delicately smooth and wonderfully tasting chocolate. In 1879, Johann Sprungli and Rodolphe Lindt met, and Sprungli offered to buy the company for 1.5 million gold fancs. And Lindt agreed under the condition the he still had a say in the business. They agreed and the partnership was formed.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

Neapolitan Truffle

  • Nate: “It is a very smooth product.” 6/10

  • Amy: “I like the strawberry shell.” 4/10

  • Kris: “It all blends very well together.” 7/10

  • Matt: “Not a fan of the combo of flavors in general.” 4/10

TOTAL: 21/40

Blueberries & Cream

  • Nate: “I’m underwhelmed.” 4/10

  • Amy: “I just don’t like blueberry.” 3/10

  • Kris: “I didn’t get any blueberry.” 2/10

  • Matt: “These probably shouldn’t have gone to market.” 3/10

TOTAL: 12/40

There you have it. We give Neapolitan Lindt Truffles the Quest for the Best seal of approval, but we do not give Blueberries & Cream Lindt Truffles the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Maybe you still want to give it a try? Check out their website for more information on where to find some.

Thank you for joining us on this limited edition episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Have you tried these chocolates? What did you think?

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Thanks again for the support. Until next time, stay sane out there.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.