Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
LIMITED EDITION: Pop Tarts! Banana Bread and Apple Jacks

LIMITED EDITION: Pop Tarts! Banana Bread and Apple Jacks

Some new Pop Tarts have hit the shelves. Are they as good as the classics? Let's find out in today's episode of Quest for the Best!

On our recent trip to Ohio, we stopped at a Kroger grocery store to see if there were any products that we don’t normally see in Iowa. Well, we were not disappointed and walked away with a couple bags of new products to try out (coming soon!) Today’s episode is a result of that day. We have the Apple Jacks Pop Tarts and the Banana Bread Pop Tarts!

Now, since that trip, I have seen the Banana ones in stores locally, and have even seen a few reviews/articles about these. So the timing is right. You all can run to the store and buy a box and try it along with us. Or just trust our judgement, it is up to you.

Before we get going however, I have to do my usual THANK YOU to our producers. You keep our hearts and bellies full with food for this podcast, and we cannot thank you enough. Our new subscribers, THANK YOU! This doesn’t grow without you either, and just spreading the word means a lot.

And if you have it in your heart, and wallet, to help out a new but someday going to be mega popular and famous podcast, please donate to the show!


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Who are our Questers today?

  • Kris, Not Nate.

  • Nate, Not Matt.

  • Matt, Not Amy.

  • Amy, Not Kris.

A Mini History Pop Tarts

In 1963 Post Cereals adapted a process for enclosing food in foil to keep it fresh without spoiling. And with this process, they made a new toaster-prepared breakfast food. These fruit-filled pastries could be shipped and stored without having to be refrigerated. In 1964, Post unveiled this product, called Country Squares. But unfortunately, Post was slow to release the product to stores and six months later, in September of 1964, Kellogg’s swooped in, stealing the market  with a new product called Fruit Scones.  The first toaster pastries that were produced were all unfrosted. They came in four flavors. Apple Currant Jelly, Strawberry, Blueberry, and Brown Sugar-Cinnamon.  In 1967 the first frosted Pop-Tarts hit the shelves with four flavors as well. (Any guesses on the flavors?) Dutch Apple, Concord Grape, Raspberry, and Brown Sugar Cinnamon.

Today, around 2 billion Pop Tarts are sold each year in the United States. The best selling Pop Tart? Strawberry, followed by Brown Sugar Cinnamon and S’mores.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

Apple Jacks Pop Tarts

  • Nate: “Whether these taste like Apple Jacks or not, these are great.” 7/10

  • Amy: “It tastes very Christmassy.” 5/10

  • Kris: “I’m going to eat all of it, but I don’t know if it is because I like it.” 6/10

  • Matt: “It’s a nice warm treat but I probably wouldn’t buy it.” 5/10

TOTAL: 23/40

Banana Bread Pop Tarts

  • Nate: “It’s a really big bummer.” 5/10

  • Amy: “It tastes like artificial banana.” 4/10

  • Kris: “I like what the pastry was made out of.” 5/10

  • Matt: “It’s not as satisfying.” 4/10

TOTAL: 18/40

There you have it. We do NOT give Banana Bread Pop Tarts the Quest for the Best seal of approval. BUT WE DO give Apple Jacks Pop Tarts the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Check out their website for more information on where to find some.

Doo you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Thanks again for the support. Until next time, stay sane out there.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
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