Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
MINI EPISODE: Dreamworld

MINI EPISODE: Dreamworld

On this episode of Quest for the Best, Amy, Matt, Nate, and Kris try out Coca-Cola Dreamworld.

Here we go again with another Coke product. Today we are trying out the new Coca-Cola Dreamworld. Now, if this is going to be anything like the other new/limited edition flavors…. well, let’s just say this could be rough. But let’s give this an open mind and a fair chance, shall we?

I found a case of the mini cans at Target so feel free to go grab a pack and taste test along with us! They also had the individual 20 oz bottles as well, but I believe the consensus is that soda in plastic bottles is the worst way to drink a soda. Hey! Now that is an idea for a QFTB episode!

And of course, let us know what you think.

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Who are our Questers today?

  • Kris, Mr. Hollywood.

  • Nate, likes the fishy smells.

  • Matt, will give you his two cents.

  • Amy, Matt’s totalitarian.

A History of Coca-Cola

On May 8th, 1886, pharmacist Dr. John  Pemberton was visiting a pharmacy in Atlanta to promote his medicinal wonder, French Wine of Coca. This cure-all medicine was a mix of Bordeaux red wine, caffeine, and coca leaf extract. Since it was a medicine and more of a niche market, Pemberton decided to try to sell it as a soda. So he took his bitter tasting medicine and threw in a bunch of sugar. And to make it marketable to children and adults, he removed the alcohol. But not the cocaine, since after all, it was legal. 

Asa Candler acquired the company in 1891 after Pemberton’s death. By the end of the 1890s, they were selling a quarter of a million gallons of syrup a year. Coca Cola Company is the world's largest beverage company, employing over 700,000 worldwide.

So what is Coca-Cola Dreamworld? According to the Coca-Cola website, Dreamworld makes the most fascinating parts of our imagination real. This limited edition sparkling beverage from Coca-Cola Creations explores the realms of the surreal, the imaginary, and the otherworldly. Experience the familiar Coca-Cola taste now with a surprising and unexpected flavor from a dream world.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

  • Nate: “The aspects I enjoy would be enhanced with rum.” 4/10

  • Amy: “It’s mango with the aftertaste of Coca-Cola.” 3/10

  • Kris: “Mango should never be put with a dark soda.” 3/10

  • Matt: “It’s almost okay.” 4/10

TOTAL: 14/40

There you have it. We do NOT give the Coca-Cola Dreamworld the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Maybe you want to give it a try? Check out their website for more information on where to find some.

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next, along with your thoughts on this episode.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
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