Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
MINI EPISODE: Tropical Blast Twinkies!

MINI EPISODE: Tropical Blast Twinkies!

Is there a Twinkie that is better than the original? Let's find out on today's Quest!

Tropical Blast Twinkies. Now this one was a complete surprise. One day I was over at the Family Dollar picking up a soda, and I just happened to see a box of these sitting there. Never being a huge Twinkie fan, and despite the fact that I thought these would be terrible, I purchased them. “For the podcast.” I told myself. Well, let’s see if it was a worthy purchase.

If you have tried these, make sure you let us know in the comments. Also, support us by donating to the podcast!

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Who are our Questers today?

  • Nate, a hot boy.

  • Kris, non gmo.

  • Matt, YEEEHAW!!!

  • Amy, #1 foodie

A Mini History of Twinkies

If you have been around for awhile, you have read this history lesson! So feel free to jump down to the results!

The Hostess brand was founded by the Continental Baking Company, who bought Taggart Bakery, which was the bakery behind the famous Wonder Bread. Along with Wonder Bread, Continental Baking Company wanted to create a line of treats. So in 1919, they launched the Hostess Cupcake.

But it wasn’t until 10 years later that Hostess became snack cake legends with the creation of Twinkies. Created by Jimmy Dewer in 1930, the company’s bakery manager, these spongy treats were a great way for the company to make an inexpensive product during the depression. You could get two Twinkies for a nickel. And Twinkies are not as we know them today, but they were originally banana flavored. For over a decade Twinkies were filled with banana cream filling. However, they switched to a vanilla center during World War 2, as bananas were rationed during the war.

The Twinkie has had its fair share of publicity over the years. 

In 1979, Dan White was on trial for the murder of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the United States. White argued that he couldn’t have planned to murder his boss, because of his sugar high from eating too many Twinkies. And this defense strategy worked. White was convicted of manslaughter instead of murder.

Speaking of eating too many Twinkies, in 2013, competitive eater Joey Chestnut won the World Twinkie-Eating Championship, devouring 121 Twinkies in 6 minutes.

In 1999, President Bill Clinton chose the Twinkie as an “object of enduring American symbolism” for the National Millennium Time Capsule.

And of course, the 2009 blockbuster Zombieland followed a man’s quest to find the last Twinkies after the earth was plagued with the living dead.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

  • Nate: “That was surprisingly good.” 8/10

  • Amy: “This should not be limited edition, it should be full time.” 8/10

  • Kris: “That citrus really hits.” 9/10

  • Matt: “One of these with a little bit of ice cream… mmmm.” 8/10

TOTAL: 33/40

There you have it. We give Hostess Tropical Blast Twinkies the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Maybe you still want to give it a try? Check out their website for more information on where to find some.

Thank you for joining us on this exclusive mini episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Have you tried this snack cake? What were your thoughts?

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
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