Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
NEW PRODUCT: Tangy Ketchup and Hot Mustard Doritos

NEW PRODUCT: Tangy Ketchup and Hot Mustard Doritos

Why?!?!?! WHY!?!?! Will these get the seal of approval?!

Doritos. Why, Doritos? WHY?! Who said let’s take arguably one of the worst condiments in a chip? This did not need to happen. But it did, and we are punishing ourselves with these chips. Tangy Ketchup and Hot Mustard Doritos. Please pray for us.

But first…

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And also… We have a couple new producers of our show! Thank you, thank you, thank you to Lisa and Laurie! We appreciate you listening and for donating to our show! YOU GUYS ROCK!

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Who are our Questers today?

  • Nate, living in a wild age of food.

  • Kris, tasting texture.

  • Matt, what’s happening?

  • Amy, shout out to Mikey!

A History of Doritos

To go back to the beginning of the Doritos saga, you are going to have to travel back to 1955, to Disneyland in Anaheim, California. In 1955, Frito-Lay struck a deal with Disney to open a Mexican restaurant in the Frontierland section of the park. This restaurant was known as “Casa de Fritos”. 

You see, Doritos actually came as a solution to old tortillas. Instead of throwing out old stale tortillas, the restaurant would cut them up, add seasoning, and fry them. That way they wouldn’t lose money on inventory, and actually make money on would-be trash. The employees liked the chips so much, they started packaging them as well.

In the early 1960s, Archie West, the vice president of Frito-Lay, visited the restaurant and saw how busy it was. Not only that, they were selling huge amounts of the bags of chips. Archie was taken with the chip. He decided that since they were golden in color, to name for the Spanish word for gold, “oro”. Combined with the “ito” in Frito, and slapping the letter “D” to the beginning, the name Dorito was born.  Soon after, mass production of the chip began.

A soft launch happened in the southwest region of the United States and it was so successful that the factory was overwhelmed by the demand. The popularity was unquestioned. Doritos made their national debut in 1966, when Frito-Lay and Pepsi-Cola merged.

The first flavor that debuted was taco flavored. In 1972, history was made with the release of the Nacho Cheese Doritos, becoming the most popular variety. In 1986, Cool Ranch Doritos were released.

In 2020 99.67 million Americans consumed Doritos.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

Tangy Ketchup

  • Nate: “This is a chip that tastes like ketchup.” 2/10

  • Amy: “I didn’t have to spit it out...” 2/10

  • Kris: “I don’t like ketchup that much, but this is pissing me off.” 1/10

  • Matt: “I’m eating one more for science.” 2/10

TOTAL: 7/40

Hot Mustard

  • Nate: “These aren’t good stand alone flavors.” 2/10

  • Amy: “That tastes like hot mustard!” 3/10

  • Kris: “It’s almost horseradish.” 4/10

  • Matt: “It’s more like a spicy brown.” 3/10

TOTAL: 12/40

There you have it. We do not give the Tangy Ketchup or Hot Mustard Doritos the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Maybe you want to give ‘em a try? Check out their website for more information on where to find some.

Thank you for joining us on this mini episode of Quest for the Best. Have you tried these? What were your thoughts?

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.