Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Peep Peep Peeps

Peep Peep Peeps

Love 'em or hate 'em... We gotta try to find the best Peeps on today's Quest for the Best. And stick around for some bonus material at the end!

Well, I almost made it through another Easter without eating any Peeps. But for this episode, I broke my life long streak of never eating any Peeps at all. Oh, the things I do for this podcast…

Now, Peeps seem to be a very divisive candy. So let us know in the comments if you love them or hate them. And while you are at it, we would really appreciate a show donation. Better yet, it would be amazing just to have some people share the podcast so we can gain some followers and traction.


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Which Peeps are we trying today?

  • Original

  • Sour Watermellon

  • Party Cake

  • Dr. Pepper

  • Fruit Punch

Who is on this sugar quest?

  • Hannah, a spitter

  • Kris, a chubby bunny

  • Matt, a fluffy boy

  • Amy, Peeps newbie

And of course, our subscribers! Thanks to our small, yet coveted group. We appreciate the support. You too can join us on this food journey. All you need to do is… SUBSCRIBE!

The History of Peeps

Some people are born to invent amazing things. And for Russian Jewish immigrant Sam Born, he certainly created some classics. For example, Sam invented the technology to produce chocolate sprinkles. He invented the hard chocolate coating used for Eskimo Pies. He even invented the machine that inserted sticks into lollipops. 

Sam Born started his own business, Just Born chocolates, in 1917 and was very successful, opening his own manufacturing company in 1923. The company grew significantly through the acquisition of other candy companies, such as the Maillard Corporation in 1935, which was known for their hand-decorated chocolates, crystallized fruits, Venetian mints, jellies, and “the best bridge mix in the country.”

But not all their amazing products were the result of acquisition. Mike and Ikes were introduced in 1940 and Hot Tamales in 1950.

In 1953 however, Just Born acquired the Rodda Candy Company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This company was known for their Jelly Beans, but Born was intrigued by the marshmallow chicks. These chicks were made by hand-squeezing marshmallow through pastry tubes. Sam Born’s son, Bob, helped to mechanize the marshmallow forming process a year after buying the company, reducing the time to produce and package from 27 hours to only 6 minutes.

Today about 2 billion Peeps are produced each year, which is about 509 every 8 seconds or 5.5 million every day.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

5th Place: Fruit Punch

  • Amy - 3

  • Hannah - 2

  • Kris - 2

  • Matt- 2

“It’s really punchy.” - Hannah

4th Place: Party Cake

  • Amy - 2

  • Hannah - 5

  • Kris - 3

  • Matt - 3

“It stiiiiiinks.” - Amy

3rd Place: Dr. Pepper

  • Amy - 5

  • Hannah - 2

  • Kris - 4

  • Matt - 3

“It tastes like Pibb Xtra.” - Kris

1st/2nd Place (tie!): Original

  • Amy - 4

  • Hannah - 4

  • Kris - 5

  • Matt - 3

“I don’t need that in my life.” - Matt

1st/2nd Place (tie!): Sour Watermelon

  • Amy - 6

  • Hannah - 2

  • Kris - 5

  • Matt - 4

“I don’t even like watermelon but this is alright.” - Amy

Peeps Pepsi

  • Hannah: “Is this a real flavor, and why?!.” 2/10

  • Amy: “It has that Pepsi flavor which is bad enough, then it turns.” 2/10

  • Kris: “There’s probably a market for it… for people who are dumb.” 2/10

  • Matt: “That after taste at the end is like, whoa.” 2/10

TOTAL: 8/40

There you have it. None of these receive the Quest for the Best seal of approval. 

Feeling brave? Check out the Peeps and the Pepsi website for more products.

Thank you all for joining us on this episode of Quest for the Best. Let us know what you thought. Have you bravely stepped into the world of Peeps? Have you tried this unfortunate Pepsi concoction? We would love to know your rating!

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next.

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And of course, remember to subscribe to hear the latest episodes. And chip in on the podcast! Whatever value you get out of this entertainment, send it back our way. We thank you for the support!

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Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
Join us as we quest for the best foods.