Quest for the Best Podcast
Quest for the Best Podcast
RECIPE EPISODE: Pineapple bars!

RECIPE EPISODE: Pineapple bars!

Let's try something new today. We are going to try out a recipe and see if it is any good. Join us on this quest!

Recipes. Some people have a little box filled with family favorites. Some people just hit up the internet and see what they can find on Pinterest. Well, I went to about every estate sale this summer and purchased every recipe book, every recipe box… basically anything that had old family and community recipes that may be long forgotten.

So today we are trying out one of those recipes. Will it be good? Will it be terrible? Find out!

And of course, let us know what you think.

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Who are our Questers today?

  • Kris, Smelt it.

  • Nate, Dealt it.

  • Matt, baked goods.

  • Amy, oofta.

A History of Pineapple!

The earliest written references to pineapple are by Christopher Columbus, Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, and Sir Walter Raleigh, who found pineapple growing in the West Indies, where it was used for food and wine making.

The Portuguese were responsible for early dissemination of the pineapple. They introduced it to Saint Helena in 1502, shortly after carried it to Africa, and by 1550, to India. Before the end of the 16th century pineapple spread over most of the tropical areas of the world. Major modern growers include Costa Rica, Brazil, China, India, and Thailand.

Pineapples are low in calories but high in nutrients.

1 cup has…

  • 83 Calories

  • 1.7 grams of fat

  • 2.3 grams of fiber

  • 88% of the daily value of vitamin C

  • 109% of the daily value of maganese

  • 11% of the daily value of Vitamin B6

  • 4% of the daily value of potassium

Just to name a few.

They are also said to help suppress inflammation. And while most people tell you to drink milk if you are going to eat something really hot and spicy, I have found that pineapple is far superior. 

So this was a pretty simple recipe brought to us by Mrs. Edward Reiter. It has an oatmeal bar base, a pineapple filling, and then a dusting of the same oatmeal base on the top.

Recipe for Pineapple Bars by Mrs. Edward Reiter

1/2 c soft butter
1 1/4 c brown sugar
1 1/4 c flour
1 1/4 c oatmeal
Mix ingredients together. Divide in half and line bottom of pan. Pour in filling and put remaining batter on top. Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes.

1 c crushed pineapple and juice
2 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
1 c sugar
1 tbsp butter
1 c water
Combine in saucepan and cook until thick.

The Results


Listen to the episode first if you do not want the results revealed to you yet!

  • Nate: “This is very bland.” 2/10

  • Amy: “What a crap recipe.” 1/10

  • Kris: “I would never make this.” 1/10

  • Matt: “This tastes like sugar and oats.” 2/10

TOTAL: 6/40

There you have it. We do not give Pineapple Bars the Quest for the Best seal of approval. Maybe you want to give it a try? Bake it up and let us know what you think.

Also, do you have any foods you would love to get the coveted seal of approval? Let us know in the comments what you want to hear next, along with your thoughts on this episode.

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Quest for the Best Podcast
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